Download slacker streaming
Download slacker streaming

Other premium services, including the $10-per-month versions of Rdio and Slacker, also let you play songs on demand. But to play a particular Sinatra song on any device, you’ll need to upgrade to the ad-free premium edition. Spotify allows users of its free serv­ice a bit more control, most notably the ability to play the songs of one artist-say, Frank Sinatra-in shuffle mode. The downside: Pandora doesn’t let you play a specific song rather, it chooses the tunes for you. (You also have the option to choose one of Pandora’s Genre Stations.) The free version has ads the premium edition ($4 per month) offers ad-free listening and higher-quality audio. The serv­ice then creates a “radio station” that plays songs in the category you’ve chosen. Pandora users, for instance, go to the service’s app or Web site to enter the name of an artist, song or composer. For radio-style listening, it’s hard to beat free. Your control over what you hear varies by serv­ice and whether you’ve chosen the free or fee option.

Download slacker streaming